Information Technology

Information Technology

MAHESHWARI & CO. a leading technology law firm in India, offers innovative legal solutions tailored to the rapidly evolving landscape of digital innovation and cybersecurity.

We offer legal support to clients, seamlessly adapting to emerging technologies, innovative business models and regulatory shifts, ensuring them proactive legal counsel and strategic advice.

From data breaches to cyber fraud, our firm excels in resolving IT disputes swiftly and effectively, safeguarding our client’s digital assets and interests.

Case Representations
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Joint Ventures
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Cross Border Transactions
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Services Offered

Intellectual Property Protection

MAHESHWARI & CO. provides comprehensive intellectual property protection services, including patents, trademarks and copyrights, tailored to the unique needs of clients in the technology sector.

Contract Drafting and Negotiation

We assist in drafting and negotiating technology-related agreements such as software licensing, IT service agreements and technology development contracts.

Data Protection and Privacy Compliance

We guide on data protection and privacy compliance, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) and other data protection laws. We help clients develop comprehensive compliance programs and provide assistance with regulatory investigations and audits.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

We offer litigation and dispute resolution services for technology disputes, including software licensing disputes, patent infringement claims and breach of contract disputes.

Advisory Services

We offer advisory services on a range of technology-related matters, including online banking fraud, cyber crimes, Internet of Things (IoT), cyber forensic, FinTech regulations, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence law and regulations and more.

Why Choose Us?

Responsive and Collaborative Approach

We prioritize open communication, responsiveness and transparency, ensuring that clients are actively involved in the legal process and informed every step of the way.

Proactive Risk Management

Our approach is proactive in risk management strategies to help clients identify and mitigate potential legal risks before they escalate.

Industry Insight and Experience

With years of experience in IT law and a deep understanding of industry trends, regulations and emerging technologies, we bring invaluable insight to our clients.

Work Highlights

Assisted a leading software development firm in drafting a consolidated legal opinion on Rummy & Fantasy sports.

MAHESHWARI & CO. provided comprehensive legal assistance to a prominent software development company in formulating a consolidated legal opinion regarding Rummy and Fantasy Sports. The legal opinion took into account both state and central laws, ensuring that all applicable regulations were thoroughly analysed and considered.

MAHESHWARI & CO. Navigates Japanese BPO's Entry into Indian Market

MAHESHWARI & CO. has assisted a leading BPO service providing company based in Japan and is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.The firm provided essential assistance in structuring their entry into the Indian market and ensured compliance with IT regulations and data protection laws.

MAHESHWARI & CO. Facilitates IT Firm's Cloud Migration Project

MAHESHWARI & CO. has assisted a premier IT firm renowned for its cloud migration services. The firm's comprehensive involvement spanned the meticulous structuring of the transaction, alongside the drafting and execution of critical transaction documentation, ensuring a seamless integration. This collaboration underscored MAHESHWARI & CO.'s commitment to facilitating robust entry and expansion strategies for global companies in the Indian market, demonstrating their legal acumen and strategic prowess in complex corporate transactions.

MAHESHWARI & CO. Enables London-Based Semiconductor Firm's Stock Listing

MAHESHWARI & CO. played a pivotal role in the successful listing of a Public limited company, a foremost global semiconductor designer and supplier based in London. The firm’s contributions were critical in the Due Diligence of the company's subsidiaries and providing regulatory advisory in India, which facilitated the company's seamless listing on the Stock Exchange.

MAHESHWARI & CO. Advises German Utility Firm's Indian Joint Venture

MAHESHWARI & CO. has assisted a company based in Germany which a major player in the utility sector and is the key to providing utilities to all, while protecting the world’s precious resources. The Company provides cutting-edge software and technology solutions that address utility challenges worldwide, and has now planned to enter the Indian Market by entering into a Joint Venture with an Indian Company based in Kolkata. The firm has advised and assisted the company in drafting of the Joint Venture agreement, Tech-Transfer Agreement, Corporate Structuring, and IP Licensing Agreement and prosecution thereof, among other things.

Testimonials Of Clients


Why choose MAHESHWARI & CO. as your information technology law firm?

Choose MAHESHWARI & CO. as your trusted information technology law firm for unparalleled expertise and proactive strategies. With a dedicated focus on the complexity of technology law, our firm offers tailored legal solutions crafted to meet the evolving needs of clients. Our industry knowledge and experience, enable us to navigate complex IT legal issues with precision and effectiveness.

What areas of information technology law does MAHESHWARI & CO. have expertise in?

MAHESHWARI & CO. specializes in various aspects of information technology law, including intellectual property protection (patents, trademarks, copyrights), contract drafting and negotiation for technology-related agreements, data protection and privacy compliance, cybersecurity and data breach response planning, litigation and dispute resolution for technology disputes. We ensure in delivering comprehensive legal support to clients across various facets of information technology law.

How to engage MAHESHWARI & CO. for information technology advice?

Engaging MAHESHWARI & CO. for information technology advice is a straightforward process; to begin, clients can reach out to our firm via our website, email, or phone to schedule an initial consultation. During this consultation, our experienced attorneys will understand the specific needs, challenges and objectives related to information technology. Following the consultation, our legal team will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the client's requirements and provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of services, proposed strategies and estimated timelines.

What is our process for developing and executing a strategy in information technology?

Our process for crafting and executing an information technology strategy is collaborative, meticulous and tailored to each client's specific needs. We thoroughly evaluate the client's IT infrastructure, business objectives and regulatory landscape. Then, we work closely with the client to develop a customized strategy that aligns with their goals and priorities, focusing on areas such as cybersecurity, data protection and regulatory compliance. Throughout the execution phase, we provide proactive legal guidance and support, ensuring that the strategy is implemented effectively and adapted to evolving circumstances.

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