Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Studies

MAHESHWARI & CO. offers expertise in conducting feasibility studies by analyzing legal viability of projects, transactions or initiatives, identifying potential legal risks, regulatory hurdles and compliance requirements that may impact feasibility.

As a leading feasibility study law firm, we identify potential legal obstacles and develop strategies to address them.

Our feasibility studies go beyond legal analysis to provide strategic decision support to clients.

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Services Offered

Legal Feasibility Studies

We conduct thorough assessments by analyzing contractual obligations, intellectual property rights, regulatory frameworks and compliance to evaluate the legal viability and regulatory compliance of the projects or transactions.

Environmental and Social Impact Feasibility Studies

We assess factors such as environmental sustainability, social responsibility, stakeholder engagement and regulatory compliance to ensure projects align with environmental and social objectives.

Tax Implications Assessment

We analyze factors such as the nature of the project, the type of transaction and relevant tax laws and regulations to determine the amount of tax payable, the timing of tax payments and any potential tax benefits or drawbacks.

Risk Identification and Mitigation

We identify risks such as non-compliance with laws, double taxation or exposure to penalties. We develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

Regulatory Compliance

We ensure that proposed projects comply with relevant laws, regulations and industry standards to mitigate legal and regulatory risks.

Tax Planning Strategies

We work closely with clients to identify opportunities to minimize the tax impact by structuring transactions in a tax-efficient manner, utilizing tax incentives or exemptions and optimizing the timing of tax payments.

Conclusive Recommendations

We provide clients with clear and actionable advice on how to proceed with the project or transaction to optimize efficiency and minimize risks, taking into account their specific goals and objectives.

Why Choose Us?

Strategic Recommendations

Our team delivers strategic recommendations based on the findings of feasibility studies, guiding clients on how to proceed with their projects or transactions to maximize efficiency and minimize risks.

Hands-on Guidance

MAHESHWARI & CO. provides hands-on guidance and support throughout the entire feasibility study process. Our attorneys work closely with clients to ensure they understand the legal and tax implications of their projects.

Risk Identification and Mitigation

MAHESHWARI & CO. conducts thorough risk assessments to identify potential pitfalls, such as non-compliance issues or exposure to penalties and develop strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.

Testimonials Of Clients


Why choose MAHESHWARI & CO. for conducting feasibility studies?

Choose MAHESHWARI & CO. for conducting feasibility studies because we offer a unique blend of expertise and personalized service that ensures comprehensive assessments of your projects or transactions. Our firm's integrated approach allows us to provide thorough analyses of feasibility from a legal perspective, empowering you with a holistic understanding of potential risks and opportunities.

What types of feasibility studies does MAHESHWARI & CO. specialize in?

MAHESHWARI & CO. specializes in conducting a diverse array of feasibility studies tailored to our client’s needs. Our expertise encompasses various types of feasibility studies, including legal, tax, financial and environmental/social impact assessments and more. From assessing the legal viability and regulatory compliance of proposed projects to evaluating the financial feasibility, we provide comprehensive insights and strategic recommendations.

How to engage MAHESHWARI & CO. for a feasibility study?

Engaging MAHESHWARI & CO. for a feasibility study is a straightforward process, to initiate the engagement, clients can reach out to our firm via phone, email or through our website to schedule an initial consultation. During this consultation, clients have the opportunity to discuss their project and the specific objectives of the feasibility study with one of our experienced attorneys. We listen attentively to understand the scope of the study, any particular concerns or considerations and the desired outcomes.

What is our process for conducting and delivering feasibility studies?

Our process for conducting and delivering feasibility studies involves close collaboration with clients to understand their objectives and concerns. We conduct comprehensive research and analysis across legal, tax, financial, operational, market and environmental factors. Our team assesses the feasibility from multiple perspectives, identifying risks and opportunities. We then develop tailored recommendations and insights. Finally, we deliver the feasibility study, presenting findings and recommendations. 

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