E- Commerce

MAHESHWARI & CO, a leading E-commerce law firm, offers expert legal guidance in global online business regulations, ensuring clients comply with varying international laws.

We are a certified facilitator for startups under India's SIPP to aid startups, providing legal services in Intellectual Property, Corporate Laws, Capital Markets, Joint Ventures, Mergers and more.

We specialize in advising E-commerce businesses on consumer protection, including return policies, product liability, and Consumer Protection Act compliance.

Case Representations
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Joint Ventures
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Cross Border Transactions
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Services Offered

Acquiring Licenses and Regulatory Approvals

This service includes assisting E-commerce businesses in obtaining the necessary permits, licences and regulatory approvals required to operate legally within their industry.

Dispute Resolution

Our firm offers legal representation in resolving legal disputes through negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation. Whether it involves contractual disputes, IP infringement claims or consumer complaints, we strive to achieve favourable outcomes through effective dispute resolution strategies.

Data Protection

Data protection is paramount in E-commerce, as these platforms include sensitive personal and financial information of consumers. We assist businesses in implementing robust data protection measures, including privacy policies, data security protocols and compliance to safeguard against data breaches and protect consumer privacy rights.

FEMA Compliances

We offer guidance to ensure compliance with FEMA regulations. This includes assistance with obtaining necessary approvals from regulatory authorities, compliance with reporting requirements, structuring cross-border transactions and navigating FEMA provisions related to e-commerce operations.


This includes advising on direct and indirect tax implications of e-commerce transactions, GST compliance, transfer pricing issues for multinational e-commerce businesses and tax planning strategies to minimize liabilities.The firm leverages its expertise in tax law and industry knowledge to provide tailored solutions that ensure tax efficiency and compliance for e-commerce clients.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

This includes trademark registration and enforcement to protect brand names, logos and slogans, patent registration for unique products or processes, copyright protection for digital content and design registration for product designs. Additionally, we offer strategic advice on licensing agreements and enforcement actions to combat infringement and piracy in the digital marketplace.

Drafting and Vetting Agreements and Documents

Our team specialises in drafting, reviewing and vetting various legal agreements and documents including terms of service, privacy policies, vendor contracts, licensing agreements and other for defining rights, obligations and responsibilities in business relationships and transactions.

Responsive Communication

MAHESHWARI & CO prides itself on being responsive, with a team of legal experts who are readily available to address client’s needs with efficiency and provide actionable advice that keeps our client’s businesses growing.

Why Choose Us?

Responsive Communication

MAHESHWARI & CO prides itself on being responsive, with a team of legal experts who are readily available to address client’s needs with efficiency and provide actionable advice that keeps our client’s businesses growing.

Client-Centric Approach

By taking the time to understand each client’s unique business goals and challenges we tailor our legal solutions to meet their specific needs. This ensures that clients receive relevant and effective advice in achieving their objectives.

Innovative Solutions

We offer innovative legal solutions to address the unique challenges faced by E-commerce industries. We stay up-to-date on the latest developments in E-commerce laws, ensuring that our clients remain compliant.

Work Highlights

MAHESHWARI & CO Aids Government MSME Enterprise with RBI IT Governance Compliance

MAHESHWARI & CO is assisting a Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), which has been working to promote, aid and foster the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the country, and operates through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centres in the Country. The firm has been advising the company in understanding the RBI Directions on Information Technology Governance, Risk, Controls and Assurance Practices, and drafting of such policies, as required. The project was led by Head of Corporate Practice, Jyotsna Chaturvedi, with assistance from Associate, Shyamli Shukla.

MAHESHWARI & CO. Advises on Major Indian Home Retail Acquisition

MAHESHWARI & CO. has effectively supported an Indian company known for offering an extensive selection of home improvement products. This company is dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable products and ensuring customers find exactly what they need. MAHESHWARI & CO. aided in the acquisition process by drafting a variety of legal documents, including Shareholder Agreements, Slump Sale Agreement, Share Purchase and Subscription Agreement, and Business Transfer Agreement. Additionally, the firm offered advisory services for the transaction and closure of the company.

MAHESHWARI & CO. Shapes E-Commerce Pharma Venture's Foundation

Maheshwari and Co. has played a pivotal role in assisting a prominent Indian-based E-commerce company, specializing in the sale of pharma goods and products. The firm has been instrumental in various aspects of the company's operations, particularly in Business Formation and Structuring. Moreover, the firm has provided invaluable assistance in establishing the e-commerce business entity, meticulously considering various structures such as sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC. Our expertise extends to advising on the most suitable structure, taking into account factors such as liability, tax implications, and operational requirements.

Testimonials Of Clients


Why choose MAHESHWARI & CO as your e-commerce law firm?

Choose MAHESHWARI & CO as your e-commerce law firm because we specialise in providing tailored legal support specifically designed for e-commerce platforms. With deep expertise in e-commerce law and regulations, we offer innovative solutions to address the unique challenges faced by online marketplaces, payment gateways and other e-commerce entities.

What areas of e-commerce law does MAHESHWARI & CO have expertise in?

MAHESHWARI & CO possesses expertise in various areas of e-commerce law, including platform regulations, consumer protection laws, data privacy and security, intellectual property rights enforcement, contract drafting and negotiation and compliance with online payment regulations. 

How to engage MAHESHWARI & CO for e-commerce advice?

Engaging MAHESHWARI & CO for e-commerce advice is a straightforward process. Simply reach out to our dedicated team through our website or contact channels. We will assess your specific needs and schedule consultation as necessary and engage with you to understand your e-commerce business goals and challenges.

What is our process for developing and executing a strategy in e-commerce?

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your business goals and potential challenges. With our expertise in e-commerce law and regulations, we formulate a tailored strategy focused on achieving goals and ensuring compliance with relevant legal frameworks.

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