Favourable Outcome For A Prominent Bank In High-Stakes Debt Recovery Tribunal Case

MAHESHWARI & CO. successfully represented a prominent banking institution, in a complex dispute before the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT). The case pertained to the non-payment of a substantial loan obtained by the defendants for residential purposes.

Our firm’s approach, from drafting a well-founded plaint to presenting genuine evidence that substantiated the financial claims of our client, was instrumental in achieving a favourable order. The Honourable Presiding Officer, after evaluating the bona fide claims and compelling evidence, ruled in favour of the Bank.

Additionally, the comprehensive and persuasive arguments advanced by our team played a pivotal role in convincing the Honourable Tribunal to resolve the matter efficiently, thereby ensuring justice for our client while safeguarding its financial interests.

This landmark success reaffirms MAHESHWARI & CO.’s unparalleled expertise in DRT proceedings and its steadfast commitment to delivering results in high-stakes financial disputes.

The case was diligently handled by our team of legal experts, including Adv. Ketan Joshi, Senior Associate, and Adv. Namanveer Singh Sodhi, Associate, whose dedication and proficiency were key to this achievement.


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