What are the different types of patent searches in India?

What are the different types of patent searches in India?

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Published At July 3, 2024


Patent Searches in India

In the rapidly evolving landscape of intellectual property rights, securing a patent is crucial for protecting your innovations. However, before filing a patent application, conducting thorough patent searches in India is essential. These searches help ensure that your invention is unique and not already patented, thereby increasing the chances of your patent application being granted.

Prior Art Search

A Prior Art Search is one of the most critical types of patent searches in India. This search is conducted to identify any existing patents, publications or other publicly available information that might disclose the invention you are planning to patent. The goal of a prior art search is to determine whether your invention is novel and non-obvious.

By conducting a prior art search, you can:

  • Identify similar inventions or technologies that could affect your patent application.
  • Assess the chances of obtaining a patent for your invention.
  • Avoid potential legal issues by ensuring that your invention does not infringe on existing patents.

Given the importance of novelty in the patent application process, a prior art search is often the first step in patent searches in India.

Patentability Search

A Patentability Search is a more focused type of patent search in India that specifically assesses whether an invention meets the criteria for patent protection. This search is designed to evaluate the novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability of the invention. Patent Act, 1970 outlines the fundamental criteria for patentability and other related provisions.

Key aspects of a patentability search include:

  • Novelty: Determining if the invention is entirely new and has not been disclosed in any prior art.
  • Non-obviousness: Ensuring that the invention is not an obvious improvement over existing technologies.
  • Industrial Applicability: Verifying that the invention can be used in some type of industry.

Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search

A Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search, also known as a Clearance Search, is a type of patent search in India that determines whether your product or process can be commercialized without infringing on existing patents. This search focuses on identifying patents that are still in force and could pose a legal risk if your product or process is launched in the market.

Key components of an FTO search include:

  • In-Force Patents: Identifying active patents that could be infringed by your product or process.
  • Geographical Scope: Ensuring that your product or process is clear to be used in specific regions, such as India.
  • Legal Implications: Assessing the risk of patent infringement and the potential for legal disputes.

Validity/Invalidity Search

A Validity/Invalidity Search is a type of patent search in India conducted to determine the strength and enforceability of an existing patent. This search can be performed for various reasons, such as challenging a competitor’s patent, defending against patent infringement claims, or assessing the value of a patent before licensing or acquisition.

Key elements of a validity/invalidity search include:

  • Verification of Novelty: Checking whether the patented invention was truly novel at the time of filing by searching for prior art.
  • Legal Strength: Evaluating whether the patent meets all the legal requirements for enforceability.
  • Potential Challenges: Identifying weaknesses in the patent that could be exploited in legal disputes.

State-of-the-Art Search

A State-of-the-Art Search is a comprehensive type of patent search in India that provides an overview of existing technologies and developments within a specific field. This search is often conducted by businesses, research institutions and inventors to stay informed about the latest advancements in their area of interest.

Key aspects of a state-of-the-art search include:

  • Technological Trends: Identifying current trends and developments in a particular field.
  • Competitor Analysis: Understanding the patent landscape and the innovations being developed by competitors.
  • Research & Development (R&D): Guiding R&D efforts by identifying gaps and opportunities for innovation.



Conducting thorough patent searches in India is an indispensable part of the patenting process, ensuring that your innovations are protected and legally sound. Each type of patent search, whether it’s a prior art search or patentability search, serves a specific purpose in safeguarding your intellectual property. By understanding and utilizing these various searches, inventors and businesses can navigate the complex patent landscape with greater confidence and strategic insight.

Investing time and resources into the right type of patent search in India can significantly enhance the chances of securing a patent, avoiding legal conflicts and staying competitive in your industry. Whether you are an individual inventor or a large corporation, conducting these searches is a critical step in the innovation journey. Consult a patent attorney today to ensure your patent searches in India are thorough and your innovations are fully protected.


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